User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: CONGESTIONS * Australia - Trucking boom to strangle city roads

Jan 15, 2007

CONGESTIONS * Australia - Trucking boom to strangle city roads

At or near choke point already, Sydney's roads will be jammed by a trucking boom tipped to outstrip growth in private car use, a federal government study warns...

Sydney,AUS -The Sydney Morning Herald, by David Humphries -Jan 16, 2007: -- While congestion encourages commuters to shift to train travel, transport operators starved of rail freight options will clog city roads... The report to the federal Department of Transport and Regional Services says NSW data suggests the number of commercial vehicle trips on main Sydney roads will double to 2.4 million a day by 2026... Car trips will increase by a quarter to 9.9 million a day, of which 1.7 million would be squeezed into the two-hour morning peak... This increase would be proportionate with the forecast population growth to 6.1 million in greater metropolitan Sydney, which includes the Hunter and Illawarra... According to the report, the numbers gathered from the Roads and Traffic Authority and other NSW agencies demonstrate "a significant proportion of the strategic network is either over capacity, at capacity or nearing capacity"...


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