User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Health * USA - Truckers' long hours, high stress take toll

Dec 11, 2006

Health * USA - Truckers' long hours, high stress take toll

Industry's pressures lead many drivers to an early grave while endangering others on the road

Dallas,TX,USA -The Dallas Morning News, by JENNIFER LaFLEUR -Dec 11, 2006: -- Truck driving is one of the country's most dangerous jobs, with tens of thousands of injuries and hundreds of deaths each year... Nearly 1,000 U.S. truck drivers died on the job last year – one-sixth of all worker deaths, according to federal statistics... It isn't the deadliest job – professional fishermen and logging workers die at much higher rates. But for every 100,000 truckers on the road, 29 die. That compares with four out of 100,000 for all workers... The toll doesn't count drivers who, in a high-pressure, physically taxing job, work themselves to early deaths from heart attacks, strokes and other health problems. And the mechanisms in place to ease that pressure, some experts say, fail to protect truckers – and in turn, the drivers with whom they share the road... (Photo by KYE LEE/DMN - Shirley James says husband Lonnie Cutberth was constantly being called back out onto the road. He died of a massive heart attack while driving in April 2001. 'The coroner said it was a miracle he got that truck off the highway without killing somebody,' Mrs. James said. )


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