User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: CONGESTION * USA/NY - Trucks account for only 5.4% of vehicles in the congested area

Dec 11, 2006

CONGESTION * USA/NY - Trucks account for only 5.4% of vehicles in the congested area

Clearing air on traffic problem

New York,NY,USA -Crain's New York Business -Dec 10, 2006: -- The mere suggestion last week that New York impose a daily fee on cars that enter the central business district south of 60th Street created enough political smog to obscure an important issue... Before it envelops the entire city, it's time to look calmly at what we know about traffic congestion and possible solutions and ask a simple question: Why not study the problem carefully?An innovative report issued by the Partnership for New York City quantifies the amount of excess traffic in the center of Manhattan and traces the way it causes problems for businesses and workers in other boroughs and the suburbs... Economists calculate that gridlock drains $13 billion from the area's economy every year. They estimate that the city could gain as many as 52,000 jobs if it could solve the problem... The report lays to rest the notion that trucks are the primary culprit. The partnership's study shows that trucks account for only 5.4% of the vehicles in the affected area. That should end any thought of reviving a 1980s plan to force trucks to make their deliveries at night — a proposition so expensive that it would have a disastrous impact on the economy... On the other hand, the study reveals that a surprisingly high percentage of construction and government workers drive into Manhattan (see "The Insider," Page 14). One reason for the out-of-control number of public-sector drivers is a lack of central oversight of city parking permits. That is an area worth exploring...


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