Port Security Gap * USA - Report says state, local agencies must fill it
Sacramento,CAL,USA -San Mateo County Times (San Mateo,CAL), by Steve Geissinger and Paul Rosynsky -9 Dec 2006: --State and local agencies must bolster efforts to fill security gaps federal officials have left at California ports, says a new state report, which also endorses Oakland's bid to use voter-approved bonds as leverage for more U.S. funds... The Port of Oakland -- which inexplicably received no federal security funding this year -- is pitching use of prospective transportation bond money approved by voters last month to boost their matching funds for acquiring federal money, according to the state Senate Office of Research report...Oakland planned to spend the money to complete four projects. Those included construction of biometric identification portals at each of its maritime terminals, outfitting trucks with radio frequency identification tags and improving wireless communications throughout the complex... (Photo Source: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - The Port of Oakland is one of the top 10 container ports in the United States)
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