STUDY - Canada - Transportation a big greenhouse gas cause
Ottawa,CAN - Canadian Press -Nov 9, 2006: --Big trucks and sport-utility vehicles are exacting a price on the environment, says a new federal government report that blames transportation for generating more than a quarter of Canada's greenhouse gas emissions in 2004... Thereport, coming on the heels of the federal government's proposed clean-air act, says emissions of some smog-forming pollutants have been on the decline, but it contends highly polluting transportation trends have slowed or inhibited the decrease and contributed to poor air quality in and around urban areas...The report says greenhouse gas emissions emitted by transportation _ including carbon dioxide, methane and acid-rain-causing nitrogen oxides _ increased 30 per cent, or almost 45 million tonnes, between 1990 and 2004...(Left Photo: AP file / NASA- This satellite image released by NASA shows the minimum concentration of Arctic sea ice in 2005. On September 21, 2005, the sea ice extent dropped to 2.05 million square miles. The National Academy of Sciences said the Earth is running a slight fever from greenhouse gases) (Right photo: Smog and pollution levels have increased with the number of vehicles on the road. But this January, new trucks should all but eliminate NOx and PM)
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