Monsters' Story - France & S. Africa - The world's biggest truck
UK - Biglorryblog -21 Nov 2006: --... The new 750hpTractomas 8x8...Dennis Child, tells me they're due to enter service withROTRAN(South Africans's) next January. You'd think he'd be happy with that wouldn't you? Well he isn't as he says: "We're busy with negotiations for anotherfiveTractomas912hp 9x9tractors -Tractomasheavy haulage artic built byNicolas Industries in France- for delivery in August 2008. Then the fleetwill have over 12,000hp ofTractomasunits in operation with an additional 10,000hp of other units in the fleet including MAN, Mercedes and Pacific tractors."...Why all those monster movers?Dennisgoes on to say: "In South Africa the economy is growing at approx 5% per year and we are planning major capital expansion in the power industry. The existing fleet of tractors have had their day and the demand is out stripping the arrival time of new equipment. So the old equipment has to keep on going! The new order is worth approx 8 million euros including 5 new tractors and a 'monoblock' high girder beam trailer of 410-ton capacity."...For the complete story ofDennisandROTRANcheck out the feature on him and his monster movers in the July edition of Truck & Driver...Meanwhile, here's a picture of one his 10x10s with a mini to give you some idea of the size of it. That's some truck......but then you need one like that to shift a 400 tonne transformer--and that's without the trailer!...
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