What did you do? * USA - Owner Fed Up After House Repeatedly Hit By Trucks
Baltimore,MD,USA -WBAL TV 11 News -Nov 20, 2006: --A west Baltimore woman said she's been fighting the city for 12 years because of years of damage done to her house by trash trucks, but the city refused to change the truck's route until WBAL TV 11 News looked into the matter Monday... "This is my home. This is where I live," said Dorothy Scott...Trash collection is dirty work, but Scott said her patience has run out...The porch has been declared unsafe by city inspectors. Scott now has to leave out of the back of her house and walk all the way down the alley to go anywhere...The city finally said they would change the route just three hours after WBAL TV 11 News' first call... The Department of Public Works declined an on-camera interview...
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