Reinventing the Wheels - USA - The Automotive Efficiency Revolution
USA - USINFO Web, by Amory B. Lovins Chief Executive Officer, Rocky Mountain Institute -July 2006: -- The world cannot go on turning nearly five trillion liters of oil per year, half of it for transport, into the roughly 42 percent of global carbon dioxide emissions reported by the U.S. Department of Energy in its 2005 World Energy Outlook. Oil’s direct and hidden costs -- climate change, insecurity, geopolitical rivalry, price volatility, and degradation of economic and social development -- make it unsupportable... Transportation drives global oil trade and is a key environmental challenge, especially in cities. Most cities are designed around cars, not people -- changing cars “from a convenient accessory of life into its central organizing principle,” according to environmental author Alan Thein Durning. It need not be so... Moreover, new car technologies already exist, and others are under development, with potential to transform the paradigms of global development and energy security. These technologies, if pursued, will be good for business throughout the world, provide safe and affordable mobility, be environmentally friendly, and create competitive advantage. They are not the stuff of science fiction, but realities we can expect to see emerge even within this decade... (The full article appears in the July 2006 issue of the State Department's electronic journal series Economic Perspectives, titled Clean Energy Solutions, and can be viewed on the USINFO Web site)
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