User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Background Checks - USA - Trucking group exec speaks out on

Jun 22, 2006

Background Checks - USA - Trucking group exec speaks out on

Kansas City,MO, United States -Kansas City Business Journal -21 June 2006: -- A trade group representing independent truckers said it supports measures to keep federal background checks from unduly delaying drivers... Todd Spencer, executive vice president of Grain Valley-based Owner-Operated Independent Drivers Association, testified in favor of two initiatives to simplify background checks for truckers at a June 16 hearing before the House Committee on Homeland Security... Spencer said this requirement comes on top of existing laws that require background checks, so a trucker could end up doing multiple background checks during a short period of time. The cost of undergoing the checks are out of pocket expensives and quickly add up, he said...


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