User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Opinion - USA - Baby steps won't cure U.S. addiction to oil

Apr 5, 2006

Opinion - USA - Baby steps won't cure U.S. addiction to oil

Everett,WA,USA -The Herald -Apr 4, 2006: -- Many took it as a pleasant surprise when President Bush admitted in his State of the Union speech that America is "addicted to oil." ... As interventions go, however, last week's announcement of new federal fuel-efficiency standards for sport-utility vehicles, pickup trucks and minivans was a disappointment. Rather than a serious attempt to address an addiction, it was akin to advising an alcoholic to just cut back on the booze a little... But higher mileage standards need to be a bigger part of the solution. Modern engines are much more fuel efficient than years ago, but the weight of bigger passenger trucks and SUVs has undermined the benefit... Our addiction to oil has gotten worse. To cure it, we need more than the baby steps that were announced last week...


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