User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Perfomance - Canada - OTA points across the border in biodiesel warning

Jan 20, 2006

Perfomance - Canada - OTA points across the border in biodiesel warning

TORONTO,Canada -Today's Trucking -01/19/2006: - Ontario regulators should look at recent problems with biodiesel in Minnesota before mandating the alternative fuel for truckers in this province, says the Ontario Trucking Association... OTA points to a neighbouring US state as proof that further examination is required to answer questions over operational and cost concerns, including the fuel's cold weather performance... Minnesota was the first jurisdiction in North America to mandate the use of biodiesel in September 2005. Since then, the state has frozen the regulation twice -- once because the supply of biodiesel did not meet proper state specifications, and more recently because truckers complained the fuel is clogging fuel filters in the winter...


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