Surcharges - Europe - FTA says no to EC plan to adopt mandatory fuel ones
London,UK -Transport News Network -18 Jan 2006: -- ... The Freight Transport Association recently sent me its fulsome submission to the European Commission regarding the mid-term review of the White Paper on European Transport Policy...The best answer to the industry's ills, reckons Turner, is not more legislation but better enforcement to ensure we finally remove the enemy within. An enemy that uses illegal running to avoid the real cost of operations such as proper maintenance, speeding hours laws etc....that genuine operators have to absorb, thereby deflating prices for eveyone else. I agree.But frankly if I had to back VOSA's ability to get more money from the Department of Transport to finally finish the job, or the European Commission's ability to enshrine a mandatory fuel surcharge into haulage contracts I know which body I'd put my money on to bring about change.......
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