User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Study - USA - Living by a church helps keep drivers safe

Dec 7, 2005

Study - USA - Living by a church helps keep drivers safe

SAN FRANCISCO,CA,USA -Associated Press, by Michael Liedtke -Dec 07, 2005: -- Living by a church does wonders for a person's driving record, but motorists who reside near a restaurant might want to say an extra prayer before hitting the road, according to the findings of an insurance industry study... The study from Quality Planning Corp., a risk assessment company owned by the influential Insurance Services Office, calculates the risk of having a serious auto accident... The ZIP code in which a driver lives has affected auto insurance for decades. The insurance industry believes they reflect loss risks because densely populated or crime-ridden areas tend to file expensive claims. The study, however, said ZIP codes are too broad to serve as an accurate pricing gauge... Doug Heller, executive director of the Foundation for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights, agreed but described the rest of the study as absurd...


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