Crisis - USA - Big Three ask for help, not bailout
They push Congress for policy changes, tax breaks; Bush adviser dismisses calls for aid
WASHINGTON,DC,USA -Detroit News, by Jeff Plungis -Dec 07, 2005: -- Amid ongoing financial struggles, Detroit automakers are stepping up efforts to secure assistance from the government. As critics call their wish list a "bailout," they are crying foul... Detroit's wish list: 1-The reforms that Detroit automakers want may rival the $1 billion in aid given to Chrysler in 1979, and the $15 billion extended to the airline industry after September 11... 2-Ford has proposed tax breaks and other incentives to invest in alternative fuel technologies and retool older plants... 3-GM wants a crackdown on unfair trade practices, such as more government pressure on Japan and other countries to fully value their currencies... 4-Detroit automakers want to reform product liability laws they say have led to lawsuit abuse.... On Tuesday, a group of House Democrats opened an electronic forum titled "The American Auto Industry in Crisis." Rep. Joe Knollenberg, R-Bloomfield Hills, said the Big Three face the same problems that bankrupt automotive suppliers in his district face: high health care and pension costs, and intense global competition... the success of manufacturers like Toyota Motor Corp., Honda Motor Co. and Nissan Motor Co., which are adding plants and workers in North America, has resonated more favorably with lawmakers outside the industrial Midwest...
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