Hybrids - USA - Independent Testing of International Truck and Engine Corporation Diesel- Electric Hybrid Utility Truck
Affirms Promise of Hybrid Commercial Trucks, Market Continues to Grow
LOUISVILLE, Ky.,USA -PRNewswire -Sept. 28. 2005: -- With the nation's largest medium truck diesel-electric hybrid utility field test program soon to begin, there's reason for great optimism. Independent test results involving the International Truck and Engine Corporation utility truck being used in the field test, measured against driving and work cycles typical of the utility industry, showed a decrease in the amount of fuel used of 40 to 60 percent, as well as emissions-reduction benefits, significantly exceeding expectations... At $2.70 a gallon for fuel, the potential savings ranges from $3,500 to $4,500 a year. For a fleet of 10 trucks, that translates into a predicted annuals savings of $35,000 to $45,000...
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