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Aug 2, 2005

Report - USA - Fuel economy for last 30 years

EPA: 2005 Fuel Economy is Flat at 21 MPG
USA -Green Car Congress -28 July 2005: -- Despite improvements in the efficiency of technologies, model year 2005 light-duty vehicles in the US are estimated to average 21.0 mpg, eking out just a 0.2 mpg improvement over 2004, according to the EPA... the efficiencies of new technology are applied to creating vehicles with roughly equivalent fuel consumption, but that are bigger and more powerful... Since then, we have steadily moved back toward heavier, more powerful vehicles, although advances in vehicle and engine technology managed to maintain the baseline fuel economy gains made during the 1980s... Objectively, that level of fuel economy is grossly inadequate, given the geopolitical, geological and environmental constraints and issues we face today...


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