TRUCKING & TRUCKERS UNION * Australia - Call to review foreign drivers ban
* ACT - Trucking industry calls for licencing review
-- The Australian Trucking Association and the TWU – separately – have called for a review of truck driver licence training and assessment in their evidence at the Aspects of Road Safety in Australia Senate inquiry... ATA national manager government relations and policy Bill McKinley said there needed to be a commitment to consistent licencing outcomes in the trucking industry... The ATA also recommended reviewing the provisions that allow overseas licence holders to drive in Australia... The Transport Workers’ Union at the Senate inquiry called on state and federal governments to urgently close loopholes allowing untrained, illegal and exploited workers to drive trucks... The union made the call following an incident when a driver on a temporary visa was unable to reverse his over-sized truck out of Sydney’s M5 tunnel after trying to enter it in error... The TWU is calling for a national auditing, education and industrial rights fund paid into by all employers along the supply chain to address the problem...
(Photo: A driver on a temporary visa was unable to reverse his over-sized truck out of Sydney’s M5 tunnel) -- Canberra, ACT, Australia - Transport & Logistics News, by Charles Pauka - March 23, 2016
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