User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: TRUCK ACCIDENT * Japan - Tunnel pileup

Mar 25, 2016

TRUCK ACCIDENT * Japan - Tunnel pileup

* Long-haul truck driver in Hiroshima tunnel pileup ‘dozed off’ at wheel

-- A truck driver involved in last week’s fatal pileup inside a road tunnel in Hiroshima Prefecture has admitted to dozing off at the wheel, police said Wednesday... Narimichi Minami, 33, who was arrested Friday on suspicion of vehicle-related manslaughter, told investigators he was routinely exhausted in his job as a long-distance trucker... Minami swerved into the adjacent lane after losing control of his vehicle and crashing into cars in front of him. Two people were killed and about 70 others injured in the March 17 accident on the Sanyo Expressway in Higashihiroshima, which involved 12 vehicles... The Transport Ministry believed long-distance drivers may be routinely exceeding their hours... Minami told investigators he found the job hard... 
(Photo Kyodo, provided by a witness. Shows vehicles on fire after a truck smashed into other cars inside a highway tunnel in Hiroshima Prefecture Thursday)   --  Hiroshima, Chugoku, Japan – KYODO/The Japan News Times - MAR 23, 2016



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