* DC - FMCSA denies HOS exemption request for truckers at natural gas, oil sites
-- Federal trucking regulators have denied American Trucking Associations’ hours-of-service exemption request that would have allowed truck drivers working at natural gas and oil sites to exclude waiting time from their calculations of on-duty time... Currently, only specially trained drivers of commercial motor vehicles that are constructed specifically to service oil- and natural-gas extraction sites may use the exemption.. ATA had proposed that the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration issue a limited two-year exemption to permit exclusion of such waiting time from drivers' 14-hour duty day when they have a proper place to rest... The trade federation had argued that trucks equipped with sleeper berths and on-site bunking or resting facilities would satisfy the “rest opportunity” standard... “ATA believes the proposed exemption would encourage these drivers to obtain quality rest at extraction sites and would provide an improved standard for state officials enforcing waiting-time requirements,” ATA said... However, FMCSA officials concluded that ATA did not demonstrate how the commercial vehicle operations under such an exemption “would achieve a level of safety equivalent to or greater than the level of safety obtained in the absence of the exemption”...
(Photo: Request to allow some drivers to use detention time as off-duty time denied by FMCSA) -- Washington, DC, USA - Transport Topics - 25 March 2016
Labels: HOS regulations, truckers' HOS
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