User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: FLEET'S COSTS * USA: Maintenance and repair tripled from 2010 to 2014.

Aug 12, 2015

FLEET'S COSTS * USA: Maintenance and repair tripled from 2010 to 2014.

* Nebraska - Maintenance costs soar as city's fire engines and trucks age

-- Lincoln Fire and Rescue will spend nearly $330,000 to buy a fire engine from a Snyder-based manufacturer to replace a reserve engine in disrepair... Lincoln Fire and Rescue has spent more money trying to keep some aging trucks and engines running than the city paid for them in the first place, according to a 2015 fire department report... Frail frames and engine problems made some of the rigs too dangerous to drive and forced fire officials to scramble to keep back-ups available. Three-quarters of the fleet needs immediate replacement, the study found... Lincoln Fire and Rescue has spent more money trying to keep some aging trucks and engines running than the city paid for them in the first place, according to a 2015 fire department report... 
(Photo by FRANCIS GARDLER/LINCOLN JOURNAL STAR - Fire apparatus mechanic Trent Heyen works on Engine 6 at the Lincoln Fire and Rescue maintenance garage last month. As of July 20, the city had spent nearly $302,000 on maintenance and repair costs for its fleet of fire engines and ladder trucks)  --  Lincoln, NEB, USA - LINCOLN JOURNAL STAR23, by RILEY JOHNSON - 11 Aug 2015



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