User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: CARGO THEFTS * USA: Total 178 for Second-quarter

Aug 11, 2015

CARGO THEFTS * USA: Total 178 for Second-quarter

* DC - From Nation’s truck fleets

-- During the second quarter of this year, the FreightWatch International Supply Chain Intelligence Center recorded a total of 178 cargo thefts in the United States. Broken down further, 60 of these reported thefts occurred in April, 66 more occurred in May, and 52 in June... The average loss value per incident during this three-month period was $189,307. Comparing that average with Q1 2015 figures, this represents both an 11 percent decrease in volume and a 27 percent decrease in value. When comparing these numbers to the second quarter last year, this represents a 7 percent decrease in volume and an almost 1 percent increase in value... And when it comes to thefts valued at more than a million dollars, there were none as of the publication of the latest FreightWatch report, compared to two in the first quarter of 2014 and seven in the first quarter of this year... FreightWatch International is a world leader in logistics security services, providing truck fleets with complete cargo visibility and supply chain security from origin to destination. Using FreightWatch layered solutions, organizations can actively monitor their cargo anywhere in the global supply chain, mitigating the risks associated with theft, spoilage, counterfeiting, diversion, pilferage and more... 
(Photo: Brown areas on map represent locations of the most cargo thefts) -- Washington, DC, USA - Trucking News - August 10, 2015

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