* California - Green Fleet trucking company rehires independent contractors after federal injunction
Rancho Domínguez,CAL,USA -Daily Breeze, by Jordan England-Nelson -7 Nov 2014: -- Two truck drivers are returning to work at Green Fleet Systems, a Rancho Dominguez-based trucking company that fired them in January for allegedly trying to organize workers into a union... Taking the pair who were misclassified as independent contractors back as full employees is one of the many wrongs that Green Fleet has been ordered by federal injunction to right... The injunction was a victory for the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, a labor union that has accused Southern California trucking, warehousing and logistics companies of more than 50 labor violations, including misclassifying workers as independent contractors... Green Fleet — which moves cargo containers from the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach to major retailers such as Manhattan Beach-based Skechers, Wal-Mart and Target — fought the injunction, but a federal judge with the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals denied the motion Oct. 31... “Misclassified independent contractors are, in fact, employees that are entitled to choose union representation and cannot be fired for their union activities or for filing claims for wage theft,” Julie Gutman Dickinson, an attorney representing the Teamsters said...
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