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Aug 12, 2014

TRUCKERS SHORTAGE * Australia: 475 Visas for

* Australia - State of play on 457 visas in Aussie trucking 

(Video from Youtube,by Matt Hayes -Aug 10, 2013: Massive Road Trains in Port Hedland Western Australia hauling iron ore and alike) 
Canberra,ACT,Australia -Mondaq, by Paul Hardman and Christopher Rowe -10 August 2014: -- There has been a debate raging for some time as to whether businesses should be able to sponsor overseas workers on subclass 457 (Temporary Work (Skilled)) visas to operate heavy vehicles. This piece will explain the process for applying for a subclass 457 visa, and will examine the positions adopted by the primary agitators of the debate, namely: the Transport Workers Union (TWU) and the Australian Trucking Association (ATA)... The first step for any business that wishes to sponsor an overseas worker is to apply to the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) to be approved as a Standard Business Sponsor (SBS)... The second step is for the approved business to nominate a vacant position in its business to be filled by a worker on a subclass 457 visa. For a nomination to be approved by the DIBP, the approved business needs to undertake that it will pay the prospective employee at the 'market salary rate', that is, the remuneration paid to Australian citizens working in the same position... The final step is for the prospective employee to apply to fill the position nominated by the approved business. In doing so, they need to demonstrate that they have the appropriate skills and experience to perform the position, have a satisfactory level of English, hold private health insurance, and are of good health and character...



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