User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: TRUCKS SAFETY * USA: “Collision Course”

Aug 8, 2014

TRUCKS SAFETY * USA: “Collision Course”

* Virginia - CNBC series an ‘outrageously inaccurate’ view of trucking, ATA says

-CCJ, by Kevin Jones -August 7, 2014: -- American Trucking Associations President and CEO, Bill Graves, has written CNBC to express “disappointment” over the depiction of the industry in a recent series of reports on trucking – and to invite the network to the upcoming truck driving championships to see “just how serious our industry’s commitment to safety is” ... “Collision Course,” as the package is called, began airing July 30... “The series portrayed our industry as egregiously unsafe, depicting the worst practices of some in our industry as endemic to how we do business,” Graves writes... The letter takes exception to the series’ suggestion that truck drivers are to blame for the 4,000 truck-related deaths per year, saying “this is simply not true,” and restating the point made by Dave Osiecki, ATA executive vice president and head of national advocacy, in the series: 70 percent of those accidents are not the driver’s fault... Additionally, the statistics include truck accidents other than those involving tractor-trailers moving freight on the highways, such as construction trucks and large pickups...The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association was quick to criticize the series, as well. “It’s a short-sighted view that undermines efforts to bring meaningful improvements to highway safety,” says OOIDA spokesperson, Norita Taylor. “Our members believe the stories do more harm than good to public safety, and want the motoring public to know that truck drivers log millions more accident-free miles than otherwise” ... 



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