* USA - Mexico: Border crossing discussions
* Missouri - OOIDA seeks rehearing on cross-border pilot program

Green Valley,MO,USA -Land Line, by Jami Jones -4 June 2013: -- A recent decision denying a shutdown of the long-haul cross-border trucking program with Mexico has prompted OOIDA to seek a rehearing on the court’s decision... The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association filed a petition for panel rehearing and rehearing en banc – which requests a hearing in front of the full court of the panel’s decision. The petition was filed Monday, June 3, with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia... The court ruled in May that the DOT’s cross border pilot program was legal despite arguments made by OOIDA that the United States has stricter highway safety regulations than Mexico. The Association contends that trucking companies based in Mexico cannot comply with U.S. regulations and should not have full access to U.S. highways... The Association contends that when the court denied OOIDA’s petition seeking a shutdown of the long-haul cross-border program with Mexico earlier this year the court ran counter to a number of legal precedents. The petition for rehearing claims the court’s ruling ran contrary to U.S. Supreme Court decisions and even decisions issued by the D.C. Circuit in similar cases... The petition takes to task the court’s ruling that continues to allow the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration to accept Mexico-issued driver’s licenses as equivalent to U.S. issued credentials...
Labels: border crossings, border troubles
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