'Trucker Spy' convicted after road rage incident * USA
* Tennessee - “Trucker Spy” shot video of bad truck drivers
Chattanooga,TENN,USA -Land Line -16 May 2013: -- A man known as the “Trucker Spy” who shot video of what he considered bad truck drivers and posted it on YouTube or turned it over to trucking companies may be headed to prison for eight years or more... The Chattanoogan reports that 46-year-old Joseph John Volpe has been convicted of attempted murder after a road rage incident that occurred three years ago. Volpe had slowed down to shoot video of a truck when another truck came up from behind and had to slow down abruptly... Volpe claims the trucker then tried to run him off the road and that that’s why he fired a pistol, hitting the head rest in the trucker’s cab... The conviction could get Volpe eight to 12 years in prison...
* Maryland - Fuel tax on the way up
Annapolis,MAR,USA -Land Line, by Keith Goble -17 May 2013: -- Gov. Martin O’Malley signed a bill into law on Thursday, May 16, which could result in truckers and other drivers in Maryland paying about twice as much in state taxes at the fuel pump... The governor signed a six-year, $4.4 billion transportation funding plan. The effort is touted to address a lack of new highway construction money available after 2017... Initiated by the governor, the new law is expected to raise about $830 million annually for state and local road, bridge and transit work...
* Governments of Canada, New Brunswick funding new Intelligent Transportation Systems

• The Commercial Vehicle Preclearance System – The system for compliant vehicles is designed to reduce the number of times vehicles need to stop at inspection stations, saving time and reducing fuel usage.
• The Online Special Moves Permitting System – Designed to modernize and streamline the process for the trucking industry to apply for and receive special permits for moving over-sized and over-dimension loads – in an effort to save time for both industry and government, and provide a one-stop, online portal for users in both New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.
• The Provincial ITS Architecture planning document – Designed to identify opportunities for improved integration and information/data sharing in an attempt to create a safer, more efficient and more effective transportation network.
The total cost of these projects is estimated at $427,000, with the federal government contributing up to $210,000 under the Strategic Highway Infrastructure Program, and the Province of New Brunswick providing $217,000.
* Washington - State troopers to team with truckers to ticket aggressive four-wheelers

Olympia,WASH,USA -Fleet Owner, by Deborah Whistler -May 17, 2013: -- Washington State Patrol troopers will team up with the trucking industry May 20-24 to nab four-wheelers driving aggressively around big rigs as part of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s (FMCSA) Ticketing Aggressive Cars and Trucks Project... Troopers will ride along with truckers to look for motorists who are driving unsafely around big trucks. When a trooper spots a car speeding, cutting others off or driving aggressively around a truck, the trooper will radio ahead to fellow officers to stop the motorist...
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