NHTSA's distracted-driving guidelines * USA
* DC - NHTSA's distracted-driving guidelines say hands-free calls are a-okay

Washington,DC,USA -The Car Connection, by Richard Read -Apr 24, 2013: -- In February of 2012, U.S. Transportation Secretary, Ray LaHood, and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration issued a rough draft of preliminary recommendations on distracted driving. Those recommendations were aimed specifically at automakers in the hopes of guiding the vehicle design process and minimizing driver distractions... Among those features are:
- "video not related to driving"
- "certain graphical or photographic images" (perhaps like moving maps?)
- "automatically scrolling text"
- "manual text entry for the purpose of text-based messaging, other communication, or internet browsing"
- "displaying text for reading from books, periodical publications, web-based content, social media content, text-based advertising and marketing, or text-based marketing"...
* Texas - Study: Hands-free texting is no safer than typing
College Station,TXS,USA -The Car Connection, by Richard Read -Apr 23, 2013: -- A debate is raging about taking and making hands-free calls behind the wheel. Some folks think the practice is perfectly safe, while others (like the National Transportation Safety Board) believe that all conversations are distracting, whether or not drivers hold a phone to their ear... But what about other hands-free activities -- like dictating text messages to friends? A new study from the Texas Transportation Institute at Texas A and M University reveals that sending those messages using voice-to-text software is just as distracting as looking down at your phone and typing messages by hand... To reach those conclusions, the Institute put 43 drivers on a test track and measured each on three separate tasks:
1. Driving without texting at all.
2. Driving while typing a text message on a cell phone.
3. Driving while dictating a text message using voice-to-text software...
Labels: driver distraction
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