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Apr 8, 2013

* Europe: The crisis seems amplify abusive practices on prices and payment terms

* France - Outsourcing of transport services: the abusive practices amplify 

Paris,France -The Official Carriers/WK Transport et Logistique (France), by Bruno Mouly -27 March 2013: -- In the context of crisis and fiscal pressure experienced by the road, the abusive practices amplify prices and payments in subcontracting. Carriers are struggling to use the legal tools at their disposal... 40% decrease of the partial repayment of the TICPE («Taxe Intérieure de Consommation sur les Produits Pétroliers») on diesel retroactive to July 1, 2012. The government plans to raise the taxation of the ecotax in early 2013, introducing it in October 2013 ... The clouds gather in the sky road transport of goods, an area already hard hit by the crisis which causes abnormally low prices related to an imbalanced market where supply exceeds transport demand... Even large transport companies that sign contracts real partnerships with their clients are not immune to a tightening of trade negotiations or pricing surprises. "Some shippers and forwarders large still refuse to pay the surcharge at the foot of diesel fuel bill," said Michel Mattar... Finally, in times of crisis, the terms of payment have a tendency to lie...

* Belgium - Top 100 Distributors: Turbotrucks ... obviously

Turbos Hoet from Eurofun on Vimeo.
Brussels,Belgium -Trucks and Business, by Claude Yvens -29 March 2013: -- Premiere that Top 100 distributors heavyweights in Belgium. Applying to the dealers recipe that made ​​the reputation of the top 400 carriers, this classification features not only the largest groups, but also the most beautiful progressions... With ten locations, the group Turbo's Hoet logically dominates the rankings. Behind him, the massive presence of Mercedes-Benz distributors be explained by the inability to distinguish between activities 'cars' activities 'heavyweights' in many cases... This ranking is based on the balance sheets filed with the National Bank by all companies that distribute trucks in Belgium...

 Which is the average distributor? 
 • Turnover 2011: EUR 16.689 million
 • Value: £ 1,612,000
 • Profit: € 252,000
 • Profit margin: 2.29%
 • Staff: 22.4 FTE (full time equivalent)
 • Productivity (VA / employee): 77002 EUR / pers. 
The TOP 100 is visible in this PDF...



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