* Bankruptcies in 2012: reasons for a black year

Paris,France -The Official Carriers, by Benedict Barbedette -11 Feb 2013: ... With 956 proceedings recorded in the fourth quarter of 2012 reached a total of 2759 procedures. In this light, we can speak of a crisis year more black than 2009. The reasons are manifold... The 956 business failures (77 cessation of activity, adjustments 357 and 522 bankruptcies original, which resulted in 826 settlements) in the last quarter 2012 (including Sofrica, Transport Hersand, Axces, Liabeuf and Fir, Transport Arnaudin, Transport Munster, Ferrapie ...), beyond the usual standards. And 2759 total procedures in 2012, the same observation can be made... The overall decrease of activity due in part to the difficulties of transport companies, including those at the helm of the court. According to BIPE, the volume of tonne-kilometers decreased by 8% in 2012, reaching 171 billion t-km. That many carriers have seen, day by day, is verified statistically... Thus, transport companies have undergone a process of decay in a country where a lot of industries and consumer goods declined. The low level of activity in 2012 brings us to 2009, when the activity had dropped from 16% to 173 billion t-km. This is the context in which French evolved carriers in 2012... Another indicator of BIPE notes that 27% of tonne-kilometers generated by the French economy, including import-export flows and domestic (excluding transit), were carried out by foreign flags... The magnitude of the numbers added to the painful implementation of the tax heavy explains that business leaders face in 2013 dubious...
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