* New York - Bloomberg endorses preparing parking spaces for E.V. Charging

NY,USA -The New York Times, by JIM MOTAVALLI -February 14, 2013: -- In his final State of the City address on Thursday, Mayor, Michael R. Bloomberg, announced plans to make New York City a “national leader” in electric vehicles. He said he would work with the City Council to amend the building code and require up to 20 percent of all new public parking spaces be set up for electric vehicle charging, which could lead to “10,000 parking spots for electric vehicles over the next seven years” ... New York City has 100 public charging stations, the administration said, and at least 50 will be added this year... In his speech, the mayor said the city’s goal was to make a third of its taxi fleet electric by 2020... The city will also add 50 new electric cars to city fleets this year. The new vehicles will be operated by the departments of Parks, Transportation and Education, among others. The mayor’s office said that New York City operated 458 plug-in electrics, including 102 Chevrolet Volts... City fleets are served by 120 charging stations, and an additional 30 will be added as part of the new initiative, the city said...
Labels: electric vehicles charging stations EVCS, green infrastructures
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