* DC - White House outlines plan for $50 Billion in infrastructure spending
Washington,DC,USA -Transport Topics-20 Feb 2013: -- The White House on Wednesday outlined a set of infrastructure proposals, including $40 billion for a “fix-it-first” policy to prioritize repairing existing roads, bridges and other facilities before building new ones, as part of a $50 billion total plan... The announcement follows President Obama’s State of the Union address last week in which he said infrastructure spending would be a priority in his second term that also would create jobs... In total, the president’s plan calls for $50 billion in infrastructure spending, plus actions to attract private investment, cut permit timelines for projects and create a national infrastructure bank to help fund projects... The statement said President Obama also continues to back the creation of a bipartisan infrastructure bank, which would have the ability to leverage public and private capital to support infrastructure projects of national and regional significance...Labels: infrastructures' plan
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