* France - Carriers say they are cheated by the government

Paris,France -The Official Carriers/WK Transport et Logistique, by A. M and LG -15 Feb 2013: -- FNTR took the Customs Department and the UR Budget Minister. Questioned the circular fixed rate TICPE partial repayments of the lower than expected for carriers... Due to the decrease of 3 cents per liter of TICPE granted by the State in 2012, refunds will be lower... That said, the FNTR took the direction of Customs to denounce a "lack of information" and tell him discontent professionals... On the one hand, they see their distorted accounts they had provisioned the refund (for some the "shortfall" could be from 70 000 to 100 000 euros)...
* Australia - Exempt sleeper cab air conditioners from fuel tax
Canberra,ACT,Australia -ATA Friday Facts -22 Feb 2013: -- The fuel used to run sleeper cab air conditioners should be exempt from fuel tax, the ATA said today in a submission to the tax office... This would enable trucking operators to claim up to $300 in additional fuel tax credits per truck per year... The submission argues that the most important ambiguity in the tax office’s current approach to fuel tax relates to the carbon charge... In Linfox Australia Pty Ltd vs Commissioner of Taxation, the Administrative Appeals Tribunal ruled that the fuel used in the refrigeration units of refrigerated trailers is not subject to the 25.5 cents per litre road user charge... To claim fuel tax credits, businesses need to substantiate their fuel use. The submission argues that the ATO should update its guidance material, and that it should work with the trucking industry and industry associations to develop a schedule of standard percentages that businesses could use as a safe harbour to calculate the fuel used in their power take off equipment...
* USA - Fuel taxes more effective than CAFE standards for cutting consumption, MIT says
Washington,DC,USA -Land Line, by David Tanner -22 Feb 2013: -- A White House plan to reduce gasoline consumption 20 percent by 2050 through fuel economy standards for vehicles will cost six- to 14 times more than simply raising the gas tax, a researcher at MIT says... Research by Valerie Karplus of the MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change compared the cost of Corporate Average Fuel Economy, or CAFE standards, with the cost of increasing gas taxes to reduce consumption... The research pertains to light vehicles and not heavy trucks or diesel fuel, but some of the same principles could apply... One issue the MIT study does not sort out is where money from increased fuel taxes would go, and whether it would stay with highways. Fuel taxes remain the largest component of the Highway Trust Fund, and highways are the largest expenditure out of the fund... The fund will take a further hit once the first ever fuel economy standards for heavy trucks take effect in 2014. That regulation will add thousands of dollars to the price of new trucks, and that could cause many truckers and companies to hold on to older equipment longer...
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