User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: TECHNOLOGY for TRUCKS * USA

Mar 23, 2012


* DC - NHTSA Addresses Keyless Ignition Dangers

Washington,DC,USA -IIHS (PR) - March 16, 2012: -- The NHTSA is proposing a rule standardizing keyless ignition systems so that they all shut down after a half-second hold of the power button, whether the vehicle is moving or not. In addition, the proposal calls for a loud warning to sound if the driver exits the vehicle without putting it in park or without turning off the vehicle. Some carbon monoxide fatalities have occurred when drivers left their cars running in attached garages...

* New York - Start-Stop Technology Coming to Conventional Vehicles

NY,USA -Aol Autos - March 16, 2012: -- Start-stop system technology has been used in gas-electric hybrids but has now moved over to conventional vehicles to improve mileage and lower emissions by shutting off the engine when it's not being used. Shutting down the idling engine can reduce fuel consumption and emissions by up to 12 percent in conventional gasoline-powered vehicles. The majority of new cars and trucks will be equipped with the new system over the next ten to fifteen years...



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