Trucking companies hauling goods in and out of the Port of Los Angeles will have until the end of 2013 to hire all their drivers as employees ...
Los Angeles,CAL,USA -The Daily Breeze, by Art Marroquin -18 Sept 2010: ... under a phased-in plan unveiled late last week... The proposal was released Friday, just days after U.S. District Judge, Christina Snyder, formally lifted a preliminary injunction, a decision that allows the Port of Los Angeles to implement all aspects of its Clean Trucks Program, including a controversial aspect that calls for banning independent owner- operator truckers from entering port terminals... Under the stepped plan, freight haulers will be required to classify 20 percent of their truckers as employees by the end of 2011. After that, 66 percent of truckers must be employees by the end of 2012, with full compliance by the end of 2013... The Los Angeles Board of Harbor Commissioners on Sept. 27 will consider the proposed timeline, which gives trucking companies more than three years to fully comply with the port's new rule... The ATA claimed that the port was trying to impose labor controls on the trucking industry, which was deregulated in 1980... In a ruling issued last month, Snyder said the port was allowed to act as a proprietary agency and could manage its property like a landlord... ATA officials have said they intend to appeal Snyder's decision... (Photo from Port of Los Intermodal Container Transfer Facility, located approximately five miles -eight kilometers- from the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach)Labels: Clean Trucks Program
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