User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: TRUCKERS' CONVOY * Australia - TWU leads convoy to Canberra for safe rates

Jun 20, 2010

TRUCKERS' CONVOY * Australia - TWU leads convoy to Canberra for safe rates

The Transport Workers Union is leading the convoy, which will head to the lawns of Parliament House on Sunday

Canberra,Australia -ATN -June 17, 2010: -- Canberra will this week be inundated with a convoy made up of hundreds of trucks, buses and supporters vehicles to push for legislation on a new pay rates scheme for truck drivers... The move is part of the TWU’s campaign for a safe rates scheme the Rudd Government is currently working on... The vehicles will leave the outskirts of Sydney at 7.30am on Sunday, with a final rally point at Eagle Hawk Hill at 11.30 before entering Canberra... TWU National Secretary Tony Sheldon says it has been more than 18 months since the release of a report that identified a link between rates of pay and safety... A hand-picked government advisory group is currently working on a proposal to implement a scheme to ensure drivers and operators are adequately reimbursed to ensure they do not need to cut corners to make ends meet... The TWU wants a national tribunal to mandate rates and conditions covering drivers and employers... (Image from wikipedia: Canberra's War Memorial and Parliament House)



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