Brussels, Belgium -Fleet Owner, by Brian Straight -Apr 15, 2010: -- More than 50 of the organizations focused on the European logistics market gathered in Brussels, Belgium, this week to discuss the upcoming European Union (EU) customs filing mandates. The event was hosted by Descartes Systems Group, a global logistics network company... The EU has been working for several years to convert paper customs filing into electronic filings, drafting the electronic customs multiannual strategic plan (MASP) in the hopes of creating a paperless customs process... The ICS is the electronic pre-arrival security declaration system for the importation of goods into the European Union. In this system, goods destined for the EU are subject to a risk analysis prior to arrival. The system is scheduled to be launched progressively country by country and a period of enforcement begins on Jan. 1, 2011, when all organizations moving goods into Europe will have to comply... Labels: rules and regulations
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