Highway Angel * USA - Driver named after pulling woman from wrecked car
TCA receive a lot of letters and e-mails from people across North America nominating truck drivers for the program.

(Photo: Peter Pearce, right, gets certificate naming him a Highway Angel)
Alexandria,VA,USA -The Trucker News Services -12 April 2010: -- The Truckload Carriers Association (TCA) honored Peter Pearce, a truck driver for Flying J Inc., of Ogden, Utah, as a Highway Angel for helping extract an accident victim from her overturned car... On February 9, Pearce was heading north on Highway 42 between Debolt and Grand Prairie in Alberta when a pickup truck passed him going close to the speed limit. As the driver switched back into her original lane, the vehicle slipped on a patch of black ice, careened backward into a ditch, flipped over three times, crashed through a fence and landed upside down in a field... Both Pearce and a motorist stopped to help. While the other driver called emergency personnel, Pearce ran down the embankment and leapt over a crash barrier into thigh-high snow to reach the pickup. Its engine was still running, and the rear wheels were still turning. The driver was in a state of panic, screaming for help... Since both doors were too damaged to open, Pearce asked the woman to cover her face while he broke a window. He then reached in, turned off the ignition and extracted the driver. He moved her a few feet away and covered her with a travel blanket that the other motorist provided. The woman had a large gash on the back of her head, so Pearce retrieved a cushion from her car to help absorb the flow of blood. All three waited together for the next 20 minutes until paramedics arrived at the scene... Since its inception in August 1997, the Highway Angels program has recognized hundreds of drivers for the unusual kindness, courtesy, and courage they have shown others while on the job...
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