User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Injury Prevention * Australia - Device developed for truck industry

Feb 16, 2010

Injury Prevention * Australia - Device developed for truck industry

A invention that reduces the risk of musculoskeletal injuries in the transport industry

Untitled from Tim Elvery on Vimeo.

Queensland,Australia -Reflected Image, by Michelle -February 15, 2010: -- A Queensland invention that reduces the risk of musculoskeletal injuries in the transport industry, helping to cut the huge cost of workplace injuries has been released on to the market... The Strong Arm Strap, developed by a Brisbane Company, Fit For Life Consulting in close consultation with the transport industry to reduce workplace injuries... Fit for Life Consulting, which specialises in workplace injury management, developed the Strong Arm Strap to make it easier for drivers and transport workers to pull heavy tautliner truck curtains (side curtains) open and shut, and to reduce the risk of injury to the back, shoulder, upper limb, and neck... The transport industry has a much higher rate of injuries than many other occupations, and statistics show the average cost of a lost-time work injury in transport and storage is $11,000 (Q-Comp 07/08 Statistics Report)... Occupational Therapist and director of Fit for Life Consulting, Tim Elvery, said the inexpensive product was developed through necessity and aimed to reduce back and shoulder injuries...



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