A Colorado woman has revitalized the trucking industry
Denver,CO,USA -The Humanist Union, by S. de Sturber -Jan 17, 2010: -- Sophie Sanchez was a part time trucker, serving on a volunteer Denver municipal committee that was seeking ways to commercialize Loney Air Force base. It had been mothballed three years earlier... No comprehensive deal was reached however, and the state decided to award leases to inquiring businesses on a piecemeal basis. Sophie applied to rent a small hangar for use as a freight warehouse, hoping to exploit the fact that North Denver sat at the junction of major highways in the middle of the country... Tired truckers brought her service to capacity almost immediately... Sophie offered a hub for palletized freight to truckers who preferred to turn around in Denver and return to their home city, key advantages to these “independents”. The likelihood of having to make a long return trip empty was greatly reduced, and for the same distance covered they returned home profitably instead of enduring another cheap motel on the wrong coast, often waiting days for a possible load... No money changes hands, every trucker is given an account with no questions asked, there are very few bad debts. Two meals and a mandatory room cost less than $50 each day, and basic loading and storage fees are assessed. Meanwhile 220 Loney employees run forklifts and complete the paperwork around the clock... By breakfast the trucks will be loaded, documented, and fueled, fresh for their familiar ride home in daylight... During her walkthrough Sophie is given continuous waves of applause as she is recognized. One trucker stands up to say something, but can only gesture his thanks... His tablemates shout their approval in his stead... Labels: truckers' stop, truckers' stories
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