Businesses can be so busy doing what they do, they don't have time to do what they do, better
Snowmass,COL,USA -Discovery News, by Chris Davis -Jan 2, 2010:... Things that have been around since the sixties (the cab mounted roof deflector to be specific) still aren't fully used some forty years later.And there are plenty of other right now ways to improve truck energy efficiency that aren't rolling down the road... When the Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI)delved into this under-attended corner of the energy efficiency movement, they found some surprisingly simple opportunities, and the reason for the industry's reluctance to grab these opportunities... RMI and the Council are looking holistically at the opportunities. Improve aerodynamics first, then reduce the engine size because you've reduced the load on the truck.Use double trailers where states allow now; work on developing a "double trailer corridor" to create a high efficiency truck route (could the prospect of additional trucker revenue induce non-participating states to help?). Get producers to reduce packaging to haul less, or actually, to be able to haul more product (where do they come up with these ideas?)... Double trucking efficiency by changing operations and employing technologies that are available now...
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