User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: STIMULUS FUNDS * USA - Knoxville transportation organization could lose $1.3M in

Jan 27, 2010

STIMULUS FUNDS * USA - Knoxville transportation organization could lose $1.3M in

Knox must allot cash to transportation projects by Jan. 29

Knoxville,TEN,usa -KnoxNews, by Don Jacobs -January 21, 2010: -- The Knoxville Regional Transportation Planning Organization is in danger of losing more than $1.3 million in stimulus funding because the money has not been committed to approved projects... If local officials don't have the proper approvals and documentation in hand by Jan. 29, more than 10 percent of the nearly $12.2 million in American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 funds must be surrendered to the state, according to a letter sent this month by Gerald Nicely, commissioner of the Tennessee Department of Transportation... The Knoxville TPO isn't the only metropolitan area in danger of losing its local transportation stimulus funds, according to Paul Degges, TDOT's chief engineer... Degges said the Chattanooga TPO is facing a loss of more than $3.3 million, or about 40 percent of the $8 million in job stimulus funds it was to get. The Nashville-Davidson County TPO could lose more than $5.4 million, or about 24 percent of the $22 million in ARRA money it got from the state...



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