User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: TRUCKERS' HEALTH * Australia - ATA declares depression awareness initiative a success

Nov 2, 2009

TRUCKERS' HEALTH * Australia - ATA declares depression awareness initiative a success

Sydney,NWS,Australia -ATN -November 2, 2009: -- The Australian Trucking Association's (ATA) initiative to raise awareness of anxiety and depression has been hailed a success... The group says the involvement of companies such as Linfox and Simon National Carriers to promote BeyondBlue's Anxiety and Depression Month throughout October has ensured many in the industry have gained a greater understanding of the issues... Operators such as Simon National Carriers held a morning tea to raise funds, while organisers of the Newcastle and Hunter Region Road Transport Awareness Day used the last weekend of October to issue information kits to attendees... Those seeking more information on depression and anxiety can contact BeyondBlue at



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