User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Sleep Deprivation * USA - Researchers try to parse what your brain can and can't do on no sleep

Nov 2, 2009

Sleep Deprivation * USA - Researchers try to parse what your brain can and can't do on no sleep

Here's a few ways a tired brain can affect an otherwise pleasant and productive human being ...

New York,NY,USA -FORBES, by Jonathan Fahey -1 Nov 2009: ...
ou can get extremely cranky; you will make a federal case out of the smallest annoyance.
-You can turn daffy; you will put the ice cream away in the cupboard instead of the freezer.
-You can become stupid--unable to solve even the simplest crossword puzzle clue...

Or so I've been told by fed-up loved ones...
Todd Maddox, a psychology professor at the Institute for Neuroscience at the University of Texas in Austin, tries to understand what exactly is going wrong in the impaired brain, whether it is impaired by lack of sleep, normal aging or as a result of diseases like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. "The brain regions that are impaired when you are sleep-deprived are the same ones that are impaired with aging," he says... When you are sleep-deprived, you can overthink things, and that's just when the part of the brain that does the overthinking is cooked. Clearly, says Maddox, some people were much more highly susceptible to sleep deprivation. What he'd like to know next is why. "What it is about them that makes them vulnerable so they fall back on control systems and perform poorly?" he wonders. "Another group of people were able to use automatic processes and performed well"... (Photo from sciencedaily: Sleep Deprivation Affects Eye-steering Coordination When Driving)



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