Rest-area in Arizona * USA - Cuts spur safety fears
Truck drivers say the consequence of closing rest areas around the state to save money is more dangerous highways
Phoenix,AZ,USA -The Arizona Republic, by David Madrid - Nov. 2, 2009:... The Arizona Department of Transportation closed 13 of 18 rest areas around the state in order to save $2.5 million this fiscal year, saidADOTspokesman Timothy Tait. He saidthe temporary closures are part of necessary budget cuts that affect the entire department. Further budget cuts could lead to all the rest areas closing, he said..."There will be fatalities," said Phoenix truck driver Fred Moser...Brent Utley, owner of Avondale-based Brent Utley Trucking, called the closures "absolutely ridiculous"... He said he has seen the devastating effects of tired drivers falling asleep at the wheel and crossing medians or rear-ending other vehicles...(Photo by David Madrid/The Arizona Republic - Phoenix truck driver Fred Moser worries about closed rest areas around the state, saying that the closures will lead to more accidents on the highways)
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