User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Hours of Service * USA - ATA: HOS 'aint broke, so why 'fix' it?

Nov 7, 2009

Hours of Service * USA - ATA: HOS 'aint broke, so why 'fix' it?

Washington,DC,USA -Today's Trucking -6 Nov 2009: -- America's largest carrier association says it's is "extremely perplexed" that the Department of Transportation would agree to reopen its hours-of-service rules after years of improving truck safety statistics... In a letter to Transportation Secretary, Ray LaHood, this week, ATA President and CEO, Bill Graves, said DOT's decision "creates uncertainty for trucking companies, their drivers and their customers, and is wholly unwarranted given the consistent and significant highway safety improvements made by the trucking industry under the current rules"... The letter is in response to the DOT's agreement with the Teamsters and Public Citizen to turn back the clock on hours-of-service and reconsider the rules that have been in place since 2004... The groups announced that the DOT under the Obama administration will redraft new regulations within nine months and publish a new final rule in 21 months...



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