User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: COOPERATION * USA / Canada - CTA calls for more cooperation on truck standards

Nov 7, 2009

COOPERATION * USA / Canada - CTA calls for more cooperation on truck standards

Washington,DC,USA -Today's Trucking (CAN) -6 Nov 2009: -- In an audience with the Transportation Law Institute, the Canadian Trucking Alliance insisted cooperation between Canada and the U.S. was a key to moving the industry forward... In an address to the 42nd annual Transportation Law Institute meeting in Washington, D.C., the CEO of the CTA, David Bradley, said that in addition to creating a better balance between security and trade facilitation at the Canada-U.S. border, there are a number of opportunities for the two countries to work together... The governments, in cooperatrucking industry, should work on policies and regulations to improve competition and competitiveness, make the highways safer and reduce the industry's environmental footprint... Bradley also pointed out that as the debate over heavier trucks and an expansion of the LCV network in the U.S. heats up, "policy-makers need only look north to see how Canada has benefited from a more productive truck weights and dimensions regime and how we are now approaching national coverage for LCVs"...



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