WOMAN in TRUCKING * USA - Are you a minority?
In today's driving market, over 200,000 women make good livings as long-haul truck drivers and the numbers continue to grow

(Photo from tdcj.state.tx.us: lady truckers)
Spokane,WA,USA -The Spokesman Review, by JeanieS -October 8, 2009: ... However, just yesterday, we discussed at http://www.spokesman.com/blogs/hbo/ the fact that women are charged more for health insurance than men are, simply because we are, well, female... And that strikes me as discriminatory somehow...
* by Dave Laird -October 9, 2009: -- I never would have dreamed as a youngster, driving a Peterbilt truck all over this nation, that I would ever see women driving trucks in large numbers. Granted, there were a few women that made good livings hauling freight for a living back in the 60's and 70's, but the predominate number of truck drivers were men. That was then; this is now... In today's driving market, over 200,000 women make good livings as long-haul truck drivers and the numbers continue to grow. There are a number of reasons why big interstate trucking companies are hiring women with experience to handle their big loads... As incredible as it might seem, experienced women drivers have fewer over-the-road accidents than men statistically... The numbers of independent owner-operators where husband and wife teams drive long haul together have steadily been growing over the last decade. According to several industry web sites, married couples seem to thrive in an industry known for health issues, such as heart attack and diabetes... At 20% of the total work force, women are still in the minority, and to some degree still have to endure sexual harassment from men in the workplace... About fifteen years ago I interviewed a single woman owner-operator carrying hot tubs for a New Mexico firm, who married young, had kids and when the kids and husband were grown and gone, got her CDL license and hit the road. As I watched her backing up her forty foot trailer into a serpentine, very confining space without scraping the paint, I knew she knew how to drive. It turned out she had been driving long-haul for over ten years. She never had had an accident... So I have an understanding perhaps of what our Police Chief was saying when she said she is a minority, as there aren't that many female police chiefs in big cities, just as there aren't that many women driving trucks down the Interstate...
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(Photo from makli.com: Ice road truckers Lisa Kelly)
by lewis -October 9, 2009 : -- My niece drove a long haul truck for several years, now she drives a truck that goes to the dairies picks up milk and then deliveries to carnation. She is paid very well. Nice looking young lady of 27 . And she makes more the 60 grand a year. I am proud of her. She seems to do very well in a mans world... Most industries normally dominated by men our now being unified by both sexes. Is it good for America I am not sure the problem now is who is home with the kids?………….No one!...
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