User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: SPECIAL INFO: H. O. S. * USA - Obama Administration Agrees to Start Over on Rule to Keep Tired Truckers Off the Roads

Oct 29, 2009

SPECIAL INFO: H. O. S. * USA - Obama Administration Agrees to Start Over on Rule to Keep Tired Truckers Off the Roads

* Court Repeatedly Tossed Out Bad Rule, But Bush Administration Kept Reissuing It

Washington,DC,USA -Public Citizen/Commons Dreams -October 27, 2009: -- The Department of Transportation (DOT) and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) have agreed to abandon their defense of unsafe, longer working hour standards for truckers the Bush administration issued in 2003... In a settlement of a lawsuit brought by Public Citizen, Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety, the Truck Safety Coalition and the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, the agencies agreed to start a new round of rulemaking that could result in reduced hours of service for truckers... The rule dramatically expanded driving and working hours by allowing truck drivers to drive up to 11 consecutive hours (instead of 10) each shift and by cutting the off-duty rest and recovery time at the end of the week from a full weekend of 50 or more hours to as little as 34 hours... As a result, the rule allowed truckers to spend up to 17 more hours driving each week than previously allowed, a more than 25 percent increase over the prior rule, despite strong evidence that the increased hours would lead to more traffic fatalities and serious consequences for driver health. Today’s settlement requires the government to draft a new proposed rule governing hours of service within nine months and to publish a final rule within 21 months...

* Hoffa: Federal Regulators Must Protect Workers' Health and Safety

Washington,DC,USA -Reuters -27 Oct 2009: -- Teamsters General President, Jim Hoffa, today said he is pleased that federal regulators agreed to reform the hours of service rule for truck drivers... The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) signed an agreement with safety advocates and the Teamsters Union to revise the hours of service rule issued last November. The rule, a "midnight regulation" made final in the waning days of the Bush administration, extended the hours truckers can drive from 10 hours to 11 hours... "We will continue to push for a rule that protects truck drivers, instead ofthe greed of the trucking industry," Hoffa said, "Longer hours behind the wheel are dangerous for our members and the driving public"...

says current HOS rules should stay

Arlington,VA,USA LINGTON, Va. -Today's Trucking (CAN) -28 Oct 2009: -- Pointing to record-low rates for truck-related crashes and fatalities, the American Trucking Associations says the existing hours of service rules are working... The ATA defended the rules after it was announced yesterday that the Department of Transportation has struck a eal with Public Citizen and the Teamsters to reconsider the rules. (The groups hallenged the rules in court for the third time this past March)... There's no telling what means for the rules as they're written, but the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
under the Obama regime is reportedly open to rewriting aspects of the rule, perhaps from scratch... But, citing recent highway safety statistics, the ATA says they're fine the way they are...



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