Taking the Green Road
São Bernardo do Campo,São Paulo,Brazil -Brazzil, by Isaura Daniel -20 September 2009: -- Inside the Mercedes-Benz factory, in São Bernardo do Campo, in the Greater São Paulo, southeastern Brazil, engineer Gilberto Leal and his team work to place on roads trucks that are prepared to consume greater and greater volumes of biodiesel. In the meantime, in Mucuri Valley, in Minas Gerais, truck driver Marco Antônio Teixeira is aware of the information that fueling stations provide as to how to reduce the emission of truck pollutants and makes a point of having biodiesel in the tanks of his vehicles... The work of Brazilians like Leal and Teixeira feeds the sector responsible for taking to its destination 61% of the cargo in the country. Trucks and highways are responsible for the majority of the transportation of products and are also considered the great villains of environmental pollution... In the metropolitan region of São Paulo alone, last year, diesel, the fuel used by trucks, left 398,800 tons of carbon monoxide, 61,400 tons of hydrocarbons, 291,200 tons of nitrogen, 4,100 tons of sulphur and 14,300 tons of particles as traces in the air, according to a study by the Environmental Company of the State of São Paulo (Cetesb)... Neto, like Teixeira, is also concerned with the environment, but he is critical of biofuel. "It blocks filters," he said. The problem is explained by specialists in the matter. This takes place, according to the Engine Development Manager at Mercedes-Benz, when the fuel is of dubious origin... The movement of shifting down, and accelerating again, for example, when crossing stretches with holes in them or to go around problems in highways, greatly expands the consumption of trucks. The same takes place in traffic jams. They also cause the vehicle to consume more than necessary... The investment in highways, he recalled, was the system Brazil found to develop and generate jobs, with the opening of truck producers. Recently ,the Minister of Environment, Carlos Minc, defended that the transport grid in Brazil be rethought for reduction of pollution...Labels: trucking markets worldwide
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