PROGNOSIS * Australia - Roads to Be Fatality-Free Within a Generation
The interaction between road and car will enable the car to stick to the speed limit and stay safely away from other vehicles and pedestrians...
Sydney,NSW,Australia -The Sydney Daily Telegraph, by Karla Pincott -10 July 2009: ... according toPeter Evans, corporate manager of product planning at Toyota, the interaction between road and car will enable the car to stick to the speed limit and stay safely away from other vehicles and pedestrians... Toyota, Volvo, BMW, and Mercedes-Benz are currently at the forefront of developing such technology. However, there are still some issues, such as developing design tools for the smart infrastructure, and gaining the commitment of government authorities in building the infrastructure and gaining more control of private vehicles... In addition, Australia could be limited by the large geographic size and small population density of the country, said Evans."In Australia, the length of roads versus population density will more likely mean vehicles are guided by means other than roadside infrastructure, probably a combination of GPS and optical recognition. We might see a combination of advanced lane-assist working with radar cruise control and pre-crash brake technology and GPS to create autonomous self-guided capability"...(Picture: Jeff Herbert - Safe driving ... with the car of the future, scenes like this will be a distant memory - according to Toyota)
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